martes, 21 de abril de 2015

Canadian Lifestyle

Canadians come from diverse cultural, racial and religious backgrounds.  In the collective identity of the nation projecting the three founding peoples: natives, the French and the British.
Peaceful and simple but cordial, Canadians live in an atmosphere of calm and very nice kindness. They celebrate popular holidays like Christmas, birthdays and national holidays in a harmonious environment. However, Canada has values, principles and traditions that guide the behavior of its nationals and whose respect and follow up the duty of all citizens.
Canadians are characterized by being friendly and receive good way to all who come to their country. It is customary to thank and greet all people, regardless of race or sex. As also have a habit of being on time for an appointment. The most common form of greeting is shaking hands, both women, men and children. It is not customary hug or kiss when greeting people exception is Quebec where the custom among friends is a kiss on each cheek, the best European style.

To introduce yourself you need to use your first name and family name, last goodbyes Eternal friends in Latin America used are unusual in this country people quickly dismissed.
They are sorted so we recommend queuing for treatment when you want to buy something or ask a service. An example of this is that when using escalators can travel walking down the left, those who prefer to stay unemployed to be carried up the stairs have to row on the right side and to leave others move to the left.
Traffic rules are very strict in Canada and must be respected at all times. Although pedestrians have priority in the city, you must cross the street only at the corners when the traffic light for pedestrians tells you to. If you drive a vehicle, be sure to give priority to pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, be courteous to other drivers and strictly follow the signs.
Most Canadians are quite regionalist, including many feel more connected to their province or territory to the country in general. Each province chooses whether English, French or bilingual. Quebec chose to be only French. In schools, teachers have to accept written work in both French terms in English.
Canadians love to exercise and eat healthy. They like outdoor activities such as yoga, running, hiking (walking in forests and mountains) and numerous sports. Lots of people prefer walking or cycling to school or work instead of using car.
They care deeply about the environment and therefore recycle all waste. Get used to deposit the remains of garbage in the can where it belongs. Garbage always mainly separated into: organic waste, plastics, metals, paper and cardboard.

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