jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Just Football

Have you ever heard about it? No doubts you have.
The beautiful sport has its roots in many civilizations such as Mayan or Chinese.  In England the practice of a ball sport can be traced down till 1170 when some report describes youths going to the fields for a game of a ball this game was pretty much different than the one we all know but it represents sort of ancestor for our football.
 Through the following years the game went on growing and taking more and more people involved in. By the age of Edward the second football get banned for being considered a distraction on archers training, by that time they were getting ready to go to war with Scotland.
During the Elizabethan age football quickly gained popularity back but it has to be banned again because of it was the responsibly for too many fights and riots. However none of this bans could kill the spirit of the ball game that reached the entire globe thanks, in great part, to the England sailors.
England was also the responsible for officiate the game like we know it nowadays, it was in 1863 when the first Football Association rule book appeared and gave birth to the nonstop passion of multitudes.
             I want to say thank you England for such a magnificent contribution to the world, for me the greatest England significant addition to the mankind because of its pacific character and the fact that it has the property of being an universal spoken language since almost everyone can play it (sadly not everyone because of health issues) but anyone can enjoy the pleasure of seeing or hearing it.
            Football doesn’t know about religious beliefs, skin colors, sex, political thinking, age, height or weight. As Bob Marley said "Football is freedom", Don’t you think so?

The first part of a good documental about football history, the second part is displayed automatically by youtube.


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